What are the Tax ID verification guidelines based on my business type?

Tax ID Verification Guidelines: Matching Business Information with IRS Records by Business Type

Business information must match with the IRS for different business types in the United States. Each business case is unique and the following list is no guarantee of a Tax ID match. For sole proprietorships, the individual name and SSN are commonly used. For LLCs, partnerships, corporations, and tax-exempt organizations, the business name and EIN are used.

Guidelines for Tax ID verification based on type of business:

  1. Individual: Individual Name and Social Security Number (SSN)
  2. Sole Proprietorship: Individual Name and SSN (or EIN, if your Sole Prop has one)
  3. Single Member LLC that is disregarded for federal tax purposes:
    1. If owned by an individual: the owner’s individual name and SSN or EIN. The LLC’s name or EIN should not be used.
    2. If owned by a corporation or partnership: the owner’s name and EIN. The LLC’s name or EIN should not be used
  4. LLC that is treated as Corporations or Partnerships for federal tax purposes: The LLC’s name and EIN
  5. Corporation: Business Name and Entity’s EIN
  6. Partnership: Business Name and Entity’s EIN
  7. Tax Exempt Organization (e.g. Nonprofit organization): Organization Name and Entity’s EIN as found on the IRS Tax Exempt Organization Search tool. The Nonprofit organization business type should only be used for tax exempt organizations registered as a 501(c)(3) organization. Other 501(c) organizations should not select the Nonprofit organization business type and should select one of the other available business types.
  8. Other Entities: Enter your name and EIN as shown on required U.S. federal tax documents. This name and EIN should match the name and EIN shown on the charter or other legal document creating the entity.